

Upcoming Pareto Events

Pareto would like to take a moment to inform about some upcoming events which we are all very excited about. First and foremost, Pareto have organized a study visit to Riksdagens Utredningstjänst (RUT) on December 1st from 10:00. RUT is the… Continue reading →

Ph.D Lectures

This coming Thursday (November 6th) Pareto are proud to present the third lecture in a longer series of presentations held by current Ph.D students at Uppsala economics department. This time the lecture will be held by Ylva Moberg whom does… Continue reading →

Pareto Updates!

The first hectic month is coming to an end and we have several things to report, first and foremost we are proud to inform that our election meeting has taken place and the board has been filled up with a… Continue reading →

New semester, new faces.

Summer is over and a new semester begins with new endeavors and old responsibilities. Pareto would like to take a moment to welcome the new students of Uppsala University Economics Master Programme and thank everyone who attended the welcoming week,… Continue reading →

New Semester – New Faces

New semester, new faces. Summer is over and a new semester begins with new endeavors and old responsibilities. Pareto would like to take a moment to welcome the new students of Uppsala University Economics Master Programme and thank everyone who… Continue reading →

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